Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Judge Ship in the Holy Quranic

The Judge Ship in the Holy Quranic PDF

Abdaulhameed Omar Abdaulhameed Abdalwahed

Dr. Khader Sawandak -
Discussion Commity

214 صفحة
Abstract :


I started my discussion in part one by defining the term “ALHAKEMYAH” which means magistracy so the reader can feel comfortable about the originality and truth-ness of this expression – linguistically and Islamicaly -, and for he sees that the martyr and scholar “ Sayed Qutup “ did not renew nor create this term.

Thereafter, I moved to talk about the circumstances surrounding the life of the pioneer of this term “Sayed Qutup“ so the reader can identify the hardship and corruption of the life, which Sayed Qutup lived under. Even so this did not stop Sayed Qutup creativeness nor influenced his thinking or the intactness of his believes. The second part has included some of his thoughts about ALHAKEMYAH in which the reader can see its importance in the life of Moslems and there believes. The reader can conclude that the erecting of true religion will not be real without the implementation of the ALHAKEMYAH of Allah and the sovereignty of The Islamic Legit. He also would see that the controversy between the Islamists and the regimes is the output of ALHAKEMYAH and to whom it belongs. That brings fears in the eyes of poster regimes that consider it a threat to their magistracy. Differences and fights had erupted because of this.

The talk about ALHAKEMYAH by Sayed Qutup as of its relation to Islamic Principle called (AQEEDAH), as a symbol of fight between good and evil, as it belongs to God “ALLAH “ no one else, it became necessary to know the sayings and views of scholars in regards to ALHAKEMYA, some of which agrees, criticized or opposed. These comments and discussions are included in part three.

At last, I have spoke of my true opinion of ALHAKEMYAH, and we all see it is an important and genuine part of the Islamic Religion. If it has been feared by some regimes or misunderstood by others such as the group called “Altakfeer Walhegra“ this does not mean to abolish this genuine thought and great principle, but we must hold on to it and do what we can to eliminate and purify it of any suspicions and obscurities.

In my conclusion, I mentioned the most important results and findings I have reached and recommendations truly advised.

We call upon Allah for mercy and thanks

Full Article

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