Sunday, January 31, 2010

Directions of Urban Growth in Dura Region

Directions of Urban Growth in Dura Region PDF

Mohammed Fwiad Moustfa Dwdeen

Dr. Ali Abd Al – Hameed - الدكتور عزيز الدويــك
Discussion Commity

252 صفحة
Abstract :


Due to the absence of the national authority that is concerned in the process of planning and development, the city of Dura and its surrounding region had suffered numerous urban problems like the uncontrolled and random growth, the lack of financial resources, and the weak investment in the infrastructure. This resulted in great need to plan the city within its regional framework and its interaction with the surrounding areas whether the villages belonging to Dura, or other minor urban centers that have strong relations with Dura. those centers are the towns of Dhahriyyeh, Samu, and Idna.

The region suffers real urban and planning problem . It lacks modern skeleton plans that regulates the urban development process and puts into perspective the regional and spatial relations between the different parts of the region.

This thesis has discussed the directions of the urban development of the Dura region and tried to reach a future vision for its development based on the collected data, statistics, and materials. The major aim of the thesis is to study the existing potential to develop the Dura region that includes the city of Dura, its villages, and the other minor urban centers of the region. The thesis tries to suggest the most suitable method to guide the process of development of the region in order to contribute to finding the suitable solutions for the existing problems and discuss the means to supply the urgent needs for the inhabitants of the region.

The thesis has reached several results and recommendations. However the main recommendation was to transform the region of Dura within the suggested borders, into a separate governorate independent of the existing Hebron governorate. The suggested region enjoys great natural and human potential, however in order to achieve this recommendation, all the efforts must be invested in a comprehensive planning process in order to direct and control the trends and directions of the future urban development. This can be explored through the detailed study of the net of regional relations between the city of Dura and the rest of urban centers in the suggested region.

Full Article

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