Sunday, January 31, 2010

Headmasters and Headmistresses Trends Towards the Individuate of Learning in Governmental & Secondary Schools in the South Districts of the West Bank

Headmasters and Headmistresses Trends Towards the Individuate of Learning in Governmental & Secondary Schools in the South Districts of the West Bank PDF

Aisheh Hashem Nimr Elkhateeb

Dr. Ali Habayeb -
Discussion Commity

109 صفحة
Abstract :

Headmasters and Headmistresses Trends Towards the

Individuate Of Learning in Governmental

& Secondary Schools in the South

Districts of the West Bank

Prepared by

Aisheh Hashem Nimr Elkhateeb

Supervised by:

Dr. Ali Habayeb


The Study tries to examine the trends of headmasters and headmistress of governmental secondary schools at schools in the southern governorates in the West Bank about the individuate of learning.

The study aims to answer the following questions:

- What are the trends of those headmasters and headmistress about the individuate of learning?

- Are their trends differ according to gender?

- Are their trends differ according to accumulated experience years of service?

- Are their trends differ according to Scientific quantification?

- Are their trends differ according to different usage of individuate of learning?

The sample of the study consisted of (148) Principals (a percentage of 63%) of secondary schools in Directorates of Education in the Southern governorates of the West Bank. The population of the study was 234 Principals.

The study uses only one method of measurement, a questionnaire prepared by the researcher to fulfill the aim of the study. order to ensure that the study was reliable it was shown to seven specialists. The Kronbakh Alfa Formula was used to ensure reliability of the study. the steadiness of the way and the Value of steadiness was 0.95.

To know the trends of Secondary Schools' headmasters and headmistress towards the individuate of learning in schools of southern districts of the West Bank, the researcher abstracted the importance of each paragraph of the paragraphs of the study instrument, and they were arranged down according their averages.

The study showed the following results.

There are positive trends among Principals of schools of southern districts towards the individuate of learning and these results appeared clearly in all paragraphs.

There were some significant differences in the' trends in secondary schools towards the individuate of learning, due to gender in the scale of aims, methods and total degree of the directives.

There were no significant differences in their heads towards the individuate of learning due to the variable of the years of skill in all scales and the total degree of the directions.

There were no significant differences towards the individuate of learning due to variable of scientific qualification in all scales and the degree of the total directions of the study.

There were significant differences due to the variable of the usage of individuate of learning in the scales of aims and methods and the users of the individuate of learning. While there were no significant differences due to the variable of the usage of the individuate of learning in the scales of contents and evaluation and the degree of directions.

According to the results of the study the researcher recommended the necessity of using the individuate of learning in all schools in the country, through training, cultural courses, to get benefit from previous skills, opening specialized centers in this scale, provision of taking in consideration other variables not included in this study.

Full Article

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